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About Me: About

Gayatri Rajamani

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition® Candidate


​Hey there, I’m Gayatri Rajamani

I think it’s not just me; it’s common with women–once we become parents, our health stops being a priority–our children take that position. We forget about the gym, exercising, and even checking our diet. All the attention goes to our kids-we are busy checking our kid’s diet and ignoring ours, or scheduling our kid's doctor visits, ignoring ours. As much as this sounds amazing, we shouldn’t forget ourselves amid all this chaos.

As a mom, I’m working, or when I’m not, I’m reading or playing with my kids. When my sons needed medical attention at some point, it made us visit a lot of functional doctors. They all had one thing in common. They all emphasized the importance of cleaning up a diet first. I took my time to research autism and got to know about the gut-brain connection. It all started making sense to me about how a good diet can influence different areas of one’s life (stress, sleep, anxiety, etc.). It was a huge eye-opener for me.

I got the chance to see how my unhealthy diet was affecting my health. I figured being a busy and stressed mom of two has made me put my health on the back burner. It’s of utmost importance as a mom to stay healthy at all times. I invested some time in learning about diet, environmental toxins, sleep hygiene, and stress. Applying this knowledge has changed my family and me both physically and emotionally. These improvements motivated me to learn more about health and fitness.


I was checking out different holistic/functional nutrition courses. After some research, I opted to join the Nutritional Therapy Association and get certified as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP).  As promised, the course taught me about the enormous impact food and nutrition could have on our well-being. I am so thankful for the education, I received from NTA. It also taught me the importance of going back to basics and fixing the foundations.

I believe an excellent coach should be on a continuous learning journey. I started preparing for my board exams after completing my course at NTA and I have passed my exams. All this education has enhanced my knowledge in holistic nutrition.

Now I would love to share my knowledge and expertise to help other moms who want to feel in charge of their health and live their best life. If you are interested in taking charge of your health, please  contact me. I would love to be a part of your healing process. I learned how to become the healthiest version of myself – You should too.

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